What to expect when working with Stelle

Have you tried traditional counselling & found it didn’t work for you? Are you looking for a support system that is personalised, meaningful & powerful? An holistic approach to therapy honours the healing requirements of your entire being - your Mind, Body & Soul. Your physical ailments, your thought patterns & your emotions all deserve to be heard and healed. But it is a complex process - because we live in a collective community & are constantly being influenced by the experiences happening to us & around us. Developing a knowledge and understanding about how these energies are affecting us and how we are (often sub-consciously) reacting to them can often be the KEY to bringing about change & inner healing.

My holistic approach is also heavily founded on the belief that you yourself hold all the answers to the information you seek. I am therefore deeply passionate about helping you learn how to reconnect to yourself & your ✨inner wisdom✨- also referred to as your gut instinct or intuition.

Reconnecting to your true inner self - that version of you before everyone told you who you should be or before your experiences inadvertently shaped you - can make you feel EMPOWERED! From this place you can make heartfelt, informed & conscious choices that feel deeply right for you. Not because your head thinks you ‘should’ - but because you know deep in your heart that this is what YOU NEED TO DO on your unique journey 💕

✨ Knowledge ✨ Nourish ✨ Nature ✨

My three pillars to helping you reach a state of inner peace & alignment

  • KNOWLEDGE - is power! Be fully supported by an expansive collection of biological data & scientific findings on your journey of knowledge & self-discovery. Develop a foundational understanding of what drives you and how you are being influenced by the world around you.

  • NOURISH - discover your own personalised toolkit of self-care techniques to help nourish your mind, nurture your body & feed your soul. Learn how you can approach each day with renewed hope, vigour, vitality & power.

  • NATURE - experience the healing benefits of spending time immersed in nature. Discover how it can help you feel calm, at peace & to reconnect with yourself and your inner wisdom. Allow the earth’s forces to penetrate your inner being and provide you a safe space to heal.

Our sessions together will be…

  • Personalized

    You alone determine the pace and content of what we explore on any given day. Our sessions together are dedicated entirely to you. What is it that you want or need help with? Together we will find the solutions that best support you.

  • Empowering

    “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom - Aristotle”. Taking the time to discover your inner strengths, to work through your limiting beliefs, to release society's expectations of what you "should" do & embark on a journey of self-love is a deeply empowering process.

  • Intimate

    When we work together, my approach is to create an intimate relationship where you feel truly supported, enabling you to bring to our sessions whatever it is you want to work on, without any fear or judgement.

  • Nurturing

    I believe in the importance of discovering your own personal self-care techniques so that you have the tools to support yourself on a daily basis. Although important to all, this is especially relevant for women, parents & caregivers, so that they can nurture themselves and learn to” fill their own energy cup”, thereby allowing them to be the best caregivers they can be.

  • Transformative

    Gently exploring your inner feelings in a fully supported & safe space allows you to gain a deeper understanding of your inner self and a greater self-awareness of what you need on your personal path of self growth towards happiness, wisdom & wholeness.

  • Healing

    May our time together be a source of inner guidance such that you feel more confidant to face all the challenges that lie ahead. Learn, explore & discover more about yourself. Develop the wisdom you need to live a life full of happiness, health and vitality.

A calm, safe, intimate session honouring your journey & your needs

I’ll be working with you in a holistic and integrative approach drawing from the following modalities and disciplines:

Deconditioning - releasing subconscious limiting beliefs

Shadow work

Inner child work & reparenting

Emotional regulation

What our emotions are here to teach us

Pranayama & breathing techniques

Mindfulness & contemplation

Energetic protection

Kundalini Yoga Kriyas

Chakra balancing

Reiki energy healing

Sensory sensitivity & sensory embodiment approaches

Somatic therapy

Childhood & relationship attachment styles

Masculine & feminine energy dynamics

Working with polarities



Human design & Gene keys

Daily rituals & practices to enhance your life